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Reach, Inspire, Connect, Release

REACH – Reach people with the love and reality of God


INSPIRE – Inspire, encourage and strengthen faith through the performing arts, Jesus and the Bible centerstage.


CONNECT - Provide an avenue to unify the wider family of God across Phoenix. John 17:21-24


RELEASE - Praying for a release of the power of God to save, heal and set people free. Isaiah 61:1.


"Uplift, Encourage, Inspire"

"Love God. Love Others"


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About: Who We Are
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About Us -
We are a ministry of outreach and encouragement

The Samson family are excited to share their passion for the performing arts and faith, and the desire to unite the wider family of God at these community outreach events. The director is Cathy Samson who has a BA degree in  Bible/Theology and has been a Christian minister for over 25 years.


CIM also desires to work alongside local churches to help build them up. The outreach events are held at times that do not conflict with local church meetings so that people across denominations can visit, be inspired and continue to attend their local church. People coming to the outreach events who are seeking a home church, will be able to connect with believers from local and partnering churches.  





Statement of Faith

Christian Key Beliefs


There is one God, eternally existing in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are co-equal and each possesses all of the attributes of God. God is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe and everything in it.



Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is one with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is our Savior, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on a cross for all sin, and was raised from the grave after three days to demonstrate His defeat of sin and death. He ascended into heaven and will return again to earth to reign as our powerful King.



The Holy Spirit is one with God the Father and Jesus Christ. Those who accept Christ as their Savior will receive the Holy Spirit to live inside them. The Holy Spirit serves as our Comforter, Guide and Advocate. The Holy Spirit is given to Christians . He provides guidance in living,  understanding the Bible, prayerfully intercedes for them, will empower them to live the Christian life and to manifest the fruit and gifts of the Spirit.



The Bible is the inspired Word of God, His revealed truth, the instruction manual for our lives, given to man so that we may know and understand the truth of God and His love.



Man was created by God in His image, free as to choice and responsible to his Creator.  Tempted by Satan, he separated himself from God by voluntary disobedience.  As a consequence all men have need of reconciliation with God. 



Man can be saved from the consequence of sin, which is eternal death, by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ and in repentance of sin. Man cannot earn nor work for his salvation. When one is saved he is said to be “born again” by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.  



Water baptism is an act of obedient faith. Immersion is a picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ as well as a picture of the new birth. 



Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, His Body, which is composed of those who have been joined to Him through saving faith. The church has the mission of carrying on the work of Christ on earth. 



In partaking in the bread and the wine, we remember Christ and His death for our sins, as well as His coming again. 



Jesus Christ will come again to the earth to consummate history and the eternal plan of God.  



People were created to live forever. One will either exist eternally separated from God in a place called hell, or through faith in Christ, will be eternally united with Him in heaven.  



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